The Forensic science is the application of broad spectrum of
science and technologies to investigate and establish facts of interest in civil or criminal law.
The forensic meaning is legal or related to courts.The modern definition of
forensic is any science used for the purpose of law or justice system.The
Forensic science is often termed crime scene to court. Forensic science also
known as Medical Jurisprudence.
Forensic science is the crime scene analysis type of work.The investigation
done by Scenes of crime officers(SOCOs) or Crime Scene Investigators(CSIs).A
SOCO will write a detailed report for every findings from the result of investigation.This is submitted to the court as
evidence.The collection of evidence is crucial to case.The process of recording
the exhibits movement is called the chain of custody. The work of forensic
scientist to producte accurate record keeping,chain of command
documentation,stringent quality control and data management.Once the
examination was complete,they thoroughly check all the tests,data
interpretation and results have been performed well.
It has many traditional
disciplines such as Computational
forensics,criminalistics,digital forensics,forensic accounting,forensic aerial
photography,forensic anthropology,forensic archaeology,forensic
astronomy,forensic botany and chemistry,forensic dactyloscopy,forensic DNA
analysis,Forensic engineering and entomology,Forensic geology and
geophysics,Forensic intelligence and interviews,Forensic immunology,Forensic limnology,Forensic
linguistics,Forensic odontology,Forensic optometry,Forensic pathology,Forensic
podiatry,Forensic psychiatry,Forensic psychology,Forensic seismology,Forensic
serology,Forensic toxicology,Forensic video analysis,Mobile device forensics,Trace
evidence analysis.
The Forensic medicine and science
encompasses the two disciplines Forensic pathology and Forensic Toxicology. The
principal activity of the forensic pathology is service provision,performing
post mortem examinations on a wide range of sudden and unexpected deaths.The
nature of these deaths will range from natural disease through injury,alcohol
and drug abuse,to deaths related to medical care, and those occurring in
suspicious circumstances including overt homicides.
The forensic toxicology analyses
all the histology(material for microscopic examination) a vital follow-up investigation in
many cases.Many different types of biological materials are tested, including
blood and urine specimens and also alternative samples like hair and oral fluid
and it provides additional information for medicolegal investigations.