A good cleansing program should always removes the waste in colon,the last portion of your food processing chain. Herbal cleansing may help decrease the risks of developing certain health problems.Many people who are affected by various health conditions have found that cleansing and nutritional supplementation can help our body to rejuvenate naturally.The other way of cleansing is colon hydrotherapy.
A Healthy colon is essential to
a healthy body. The colon has the largest concentration of bacteria in the
body. These are the good bacteria provide important functions such as synthesis
of folic acid,B vitamins and vitamin k from foods. If waste material stagnates
and alters the role of healthy bacteria to disease producting bacteria(intestinal
toxemia) and it decompose protein residue and other wastes to produce toxins.
These toxins can be spreaded from colon into the circulation of whole body.
The function of colon is to remove the waste material and toxins by mass
muscular contraction known as peristalsis. Peristalsis ‘pushes’ feces out
through the hose to be flushed in a closed waste system. The patient and
therapist do not smell the feces. The therapist usually looks at the feces and
comment on the color.
Colon Hydrotherapy also known as colon flushing or colon irrigation. The
waste left inside the colon or both large intestine,small intestine and other
gastrointestinal tract area and time takes about 45 minutes to one hour.The
practitioner inserts a lubricated disposable nozzle into the rectum.The nozzle
which is connected to long plastic tube that links to a colon hydrotherapy
unit,passes warm water into the rectum and colon.The water slowly break the
fecal matter and causes the colon to flush out the fluids and waste through a
second tube.
A proper combination of nutrition, exercise and Colon hydro therapy can
help us to maintain and restore its natural healthy balance and we can gain
energy and highest degree of vitality. This Therapy is a totally fresh approach
to cleansing and detoxifying with the most advanced treatment in this
This may cause the side effects
like vomiting, puncture wounds in the rectum,fluid in the lungs, aplastic anemia,
liver toxicity and even comas. We can’t suggest this therapy for the persons
who diagnosed with crohn’s disease,hemorrhoids,diverticulitis,ulcerative colitis,colon
or rectal tumors and kidney or heart disease,